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April 17, 2012 - Revised Minutes
April 17, 2012


Holly Palmgren, Ron Thompson, Tom Lynch, and John Vieira from the PCC were in attendance.


John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

The minutes for the March 20, 2012 meeting were read and accepted with minor changes.


  • A Notice of Intent for 13 Oak Circle was filed by Oxbow Associates, Inc. for Darrin Farnsworth for an addition to a single family residence with a replacement septic system.  Public Hearing was opened at 7:04 PM and closed at 7:20 PM.  A site visit took place on April 16, 2012 with Ron Thompson, John Vieira, from PCC and Chris Knuth and Brett Towbridge present.  Darrin Farnsworth attended the meeting as well as Chris Knuth and Brett Towbridge.   Construction of an in-law apt. on the NE corner or the existing house with an upgraded septic system installed.  Variances were granted by the Board of Health.  An Order of Conditions was issued with special Conditions (see file). “ List of Materials submitted attached.”
  • Report of a brief site visit at 43 Gregory Hill Road, Tim O'Loughlin. Took place on April 3, 2012 with Holly Palmgren and John Vieira.  All work was just out side the PCC jurisdiction.
  • An addition of a deck to approved plans for 53 Worcester Road Stephen Knapp, MA 267-0357.  Stephen Knapp was present for the PCC meeting, discussion regarding a change of plans to change a 4x5 landing at the top of stairs on the back side of the building to a 10X12 deck landing.  A motion was made that the change was minor and approved the change.” Identify:Sketch provided.”
  • John Vieira spoke to Jim Camp who wants to lease land on Merriam Road for raising cattle and a possible garden.  Jim Camp attended the PCC meeting and gave a little history of the property being used as agriculture land in the past.  PCC recommended he file a RDA and contact DCR regarding the use of the land.   “ List of Materials submitted attached.”

A continuing discussion regarding the enforcement for Administration Road, Princeton Project # 267-0347 took place.  Attending from DCR was Mike Misslin, Ed Sacco, and Walter Mulligan.  PCC contacted both DEP and EPA regarding the lack of response to PCC requested for Administration Road.  A site visit took place with Mary Ann DiPinto, DEP, on March 28, 2012 with Holly Palmgren and John Vieira from PCC, with Ms DiPinto taking concerns back to DEP.  A meeting with DEP, DCR took place on April 3, 2012 present were: Holly Palmgren and John Vieira from PCC, Phil Nadeau and Mary Ann DiPinto from DEP, and Ed Sacco, Mike Misslin,and Mike Altiri from DCR  Bill Mertz from Stantech, as well as Joe Curtin from Perkins.   Mike Misslin, spokesperson for DCR and Chief Engineer apologized that some of the staff members were unresponsive to the PCC requests.  He hopes to have all issued taken care of as soon as possible.  He suggested:

Short Term Measures:  Erosions controls to be re established to working order.
                          Redo the road
                          Pull the shoulders in
                          Return the shoulders to grass to stabilize.
Long Term Measures:   Erosions controls to be re established
                          Add 2-3 detention basins in areas of concern
                          Remove materials away from Vernal Pool
                          Stone swales on sides of roadway
                          Re-grade roadway, crowns and inside slopes and shoulders

The long term measures with a lot of equipment and manpower and knowledge should take about 2 days and then another day to reseed and put in jute matting.  
Bill Mertz will contact John Vieira on Monday to let the PCC know when the designs will be ready to present to the PCC.  A Special Meeting will be set up with DCR to go over the designs and get a schedule of work set up. PCC is of the opinion that the Long Term Measures is the best approach.  PCC wants DCR to file an Amendment to the Order of Conditions. PCC wants all the work done at once, to have Walter Mulligan watch it and Storm Water Management folks to check it also.  Additional erosion controls above the vernal pool area, DCR to check erosion controls needed in event of up coming storms, and get the job done as quickly as possible.. Tom Lynch, PCC stated that he just wants the road back to the way it was.  John Vieira will contact DEP to let them know about the meeting tonight.


The PCC mail was addressed; Providence and Worcester Railroad sent a Vegetation Maintence Plan to the PCC.

The PCC discussed potential purchases to help the Commission.  Discussed were the purchases of a digital camera, a small recorder for site visits, and a lap top computer for storing information and viewing photos.  John Vieira, Chairman has information of the laptop and the recorder and will see to ordering them.

PCC at this time does not have any Associate Members it was discussed that an engineer or legal background persons would be a good addition to the Commission.  An article was in the Landmark stating that the PCC was looking for Associate Members.

In response to an article in the Landmark regarding Fire Ponds and maintenance in Princeton, the Chair will send a letter to the Planning Board and Fire Department to explain that new ponds and maintenance projects will need to be discussed with the PCC.

FOREST CUTTING PLANS:  Roger and David Brooks, for Ball Hill Road and Old Mill Road for approximately 20acre.   Tom Lynch addressed issues brought up by an abutter.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.